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Aliasing Sounds

A quick tip for the aircraft modders here.

I see quite a few modders add an aircrafts default sounds to the package,
this works and is a simple solution as the sdk will error without a sound folder
However, the downside is that these sound packs are fairly large
and its possible to simply alias them with only 1 comment in the aircraft.cfg

you just add the alias to all the [FLTSIM.x] sections so that you have


it will also work on the ai sound if you have that setup in the package

the "Asobo_VL3" part is the aircrafts folder name, this can be swapped for any aircraft folder
the aircraft folder is the one found inside the SimObjects/Airplanes folder (not the main addon folder)
you can alias practically any sound folder but I suggest sticking to base default aircraft

for an sdk project you may want to add any dummy file (a blank txt or w/e) to the sound folder
the sdk will throw a non critical warning if that folder is empty or left out

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